According to Doc 9574: Manual on Implementation of a 300 m (1 000 ft) Vertical Separation Minimum Between FL 290 and FL 410 Inclusive and the Asia/Pacific Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG)'s decisions, responsibilities of States implementing RVSM can be summarized as follows:

  1. State of the Operator/State of Registry must institute an RVSM state approval process and the confirmation of approval status and ensure that the Airworthiness Approval process is in accordance with the requirements of the RVSM MASPS.
  2. State of the Operator/State of Registry must confirm the approval status of an aircraft/operator. The confirmation process will be facilitated by the following measures:
    1. Maintain a comprehensive record of all approvals granted for operations in RVSM airspace.
    2. Provide the approvals records of all aircraft operating in the RVSM airspace and their continuous updates to the RMA for inclusion in its regional RVSM-approvals database. More specifically,
      • Granting and updating of RVSM approval – Form F2 shall be completed and submitted to MAAR immediately by the State Authority (State of Registry) when the RVSM approval is granted or updated to an aircraft intended to operate (or continue to operate) in the RVSM airspace.
      • Withdrawal of RVSM approval – Form F3 shall be completed and submitted to MAAR immediately by the State Authority (State of Registry) when the RVSM approval of an operator/aircraft is withdrew.
      • An annual snapshot of all RVSM approvals data, according to ICAO APANPIRG Conclusion 19/15 and Conclusion 20/22

        Conclusion 20/22 - Provide Annual Update of RVSM Approvals to RMAs That, in addition to the continuous update of RVSM Approvals data called for by Conclusion 19/15 and APANPIRG RMA requirements, States provide an update of RVSM Approvals data in conjunction with the annual December traffic sample data submission required by Conclusion 16/4

    3. Include a check of the approval status of aircraft/operators in the schedule of routine in-flight inspections.
  3. ATS provider States should institute routine checks of the approval status of aircraft operating within their area of authority and intending to operate in RVSM airspace.
  4. States of the Operator/States of Registry should formulate policies and courses of action with respect to aircraft/operators that are found to be operating in RVSM airspace without approval, which could jeopardize the safety of other users of the airspace. An “RVSM bulletin” has been put in place to include aircraft that are non-RVSM approved and/or non-compliant with performance or long-term monitoring requirements so that contracting States can take appropriate actions.
  5. ATC authorities is responsible for reporting Large Height Deviations (LHD) to the responsible RMA, whom will use the information to assess the overall risk in the system.

    "An RVSM large height deviation (LHD) is defined as any vertical deviation occuring in an RVSM airspace equal to or greater than 90 m (300 ft), for any reason, from cleared levels whether the deviation causes an incident or not."

    These LHD reports shall be sent to MAAR on a monthly basis using our online reporting system. See our 'Forms & Guidance Materials' section for ways to submit LHD reports, and read more about LHDs here.
  6. For the Asia region, ATS provider States are required to collect and submit (electronically) the TSD for the month of December every year using the provided TSD template, according to ICAO APANPIRG Conclusion 16/4:

    Conclusion 16/4 – Traffic Sample Data Collection That, States be advised by the Regional Office that December every year had been adopted for the routine collection of 30 days of traffic sample data to satisfy airspace safety monitoring requirements.

  7. It is crucial that the MAAR has accurate Point of Contact (POC) information of the States under MAAR's responsibilitiy. States are therefore requested to submit a completed Form F1 to MAAR if not already submitted or when there is a change in the POC information already submitted.

For more information about States' responsibilities, please refer to ICAO APAC website for the Guidance Material for the Continued Safety Monitoring of the Asia-Pacific RVSM Airspace here.