Mr. Somnuk Rongthong, President of Aeronautical Radio of Thailand (AEROTHAI), Mr. Surachai Nuprom, Vice President (Office of Business Development) and Mrs. Pornnabpan Chootai, Senior Director, Business Management Bureau attended the meeting concerning the Airline Operational Communications: AOC service provided throughout the Asia under the name of “GLOBALink/ Asia with Collins Aerospace Executive officer during 18-19 July 2019 at Collins Aerospace (Asia Pacific) Singapore. AEROTHAI attended the Press Conference and the signing of the GlobalConnect Partnership proposal which is jointly developing of Flight Operation and Maintenance Exchanger (FOMAX) and GlobalConnect services in order to provide GlobalConnectSM in the Asia. This industry-leading offering gives Asian airlines access to GlobalConnect’s wireless movement of both Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) data and Maintenance Operations Quality Assurance (MOQA) data. It also supports ACARS over Internet Protocol (IP) and an enabled Electronic Flight Bag to reduce pilot workload.