E.g., 07/02/2025
E.g., 07/02/2025

AEROTHAI enhanced capacity to accommodate Thailand-China flights and announced roadmap to support an aviation hub

AEROTHAI has developed air navigation services and airspace management to serve increasing flight volume especially Thailand-China flights which revealed the highest proportion of international flights and increased by 213%. Flights from China especially Chengdu, are forecasted to constantly...


AEROTHAI collaborated in TBO and the first multi-regional demonstration flight

AEROTHAI participated in the Trajectory-Based Operation (TBO) project and the world’s first-ever demonstration flight based on multi-regional TBO to improve safety and efficiency of air traffic management in accordance with ICAO’s operational concept. Dr. Noppasit Chakpitak,...

Flight May2023

Flight Movement in May 2023

AEROTHAI summarized flight movement in May 2023.


AEROTHAI and Department of Civil Aviation of Laos work together on Air Traffic Flow Management

Mr. Nopasit Chakpitak, President, together with Management Team, AEROTHAI visited Department of Civil Aviation, Laos on February 1, 2023 to further develop the cooperation on Air Traffic Flow Management (AEFM) based on ICAO’s guideline on Cross Border Air Traffic Flow Management. Moreover,...


AEROTHAI revealed ongoing recovery of aviation industry and forecasted a 65% increase in flight numbers for next year

Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Limited (AEROTHAI) accommodated 520,367 flights this year and predicted to serve 858,387 flights next year. Mr. Nopasit Chakpitak, President of AEROTHAI said; “After the government’s reopening policy, we have seen recovery of aviation industry. Flight...


AEROTHAI Ready to Welcome APEC Economic Leaders

Aeronautical Radio of Thailand or AEROTHAI is willing to support APEC Meeting and making preparation for accommodating APEC Economic Leaders. Procedures of Air Traffic Services and relevant measures have been deliberately arranged to ensure safety, security and smooth transport. Mr. Nopasit...


AEROTHAI and Collins Aerospace signed the Agreement for the operation of GLOBALink/Asia VHF Air-Ground Data Link Network and FOMAX System in Asia Pacific

Mr. Nopasit Chakpitak, President of AEROTHAI said; “Collins Aerospace and AEROTHAI signed the agreement for the operation of Air-Ground Data Link Network since 2008. Consequently, we strengthen our cooperation on air-ground communication and relevant services and sign the new Agreement for...


AEROTHAI announced the appointment of President

AEROTHAI is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Nopasit Chakpitak (PhD.) as the President. Mr. Rapee Phongbupakit , Chairman of the Board of Directors said; “According to Board of Directors Meeting on 31 March 2022, the Board of Directors approved the appointment of Mr. Nopasit...

New year

AEROTHAI estimated to serve 9,440 flights during New Year Festival

Mr. Tinnagorn Choowong, Executive Vice President (Operations) and Acting President said, "According to the direction of the Transport Minister, Mr. Saksayam Chidchob emphasized all organizations and eelevanys parties under the Transport Ministry to facilitate people during New Year Festival. Air...

Flight Movement

Flight Movement September 2021

The​ easing​ of​ lockdown​ and travelling​ measure in​ September​ encourage​d​ a​ 22​% increase​ in flight​ volume. Airlines reopened domestic​ flights.​ AEROTHAI​ totall​y​ accomodated​ 19,722 flights​ categorized​ into​ 5, 958 international​ flights, 5,087 domestic​ flights, 2,546 overfly​ing​...

Flight Movement

Flight Volume in August 2021

The COVID-19 and lockdown measure caused a drop in flight volume. In August AEROTHAI totally accommodated 16,077 flights categorized into 5,849 international flights, 1,969 domestic flights, 2,698 overflying flights and 5,561 flights for official and security missions.

Acting President

AEROTHAI appointed Acting President

The Board of Directors of AEROTHAI has appointed Mr. Tinnagorn Choowong, Executive Vice President (Operations) to function as the Acting President of AEROTHAI, effective on 7 July 2021, while Mr. Somnuk Rongthong has already completed his term on 6 July, 2021. Mr. Tinnagorn Choowong is skillful...


AEROTHAI announced the preparation for Air Traffic Services to support Phuket Sandbox

AEROTHAI is welcoming the government’ s scheme for reopening to foreign visitors starting in Phuket on 1 July 2021. Mr. Tinnagorn Choowong, Executive Vice President (Operations) said; AEROTHAI has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation to evaluate the aviation industry. We estimate to...

Flight forecast

Flight volume is estimated to decrease by 38%

AEROTHAI has revised downward flight movement for the fiscal year 2022 (October 2021- September 2022), due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. The Executive Vice President, AEROTHAI, Mr. Tinnagorn Choowong said; "We have estimated to accommodate 323,093 flights in the fiscal year 2022 or a 38%...
