AEROTHAI operates as an Air Navigation Service Provider for 68 years. Last year was another challenge for AEROTHAI, since the number of Air Traffic growth in Bangkok FIR has been tremendous with significant increase from those of 2014 for 10.65%, or 2 times higher than the air traffic growth rate around the world at 5.1%. Due to the highest growth number of flight operation in the world, Asia and the Pacific region held at 6.3% annually, expected to reach 100,000 flights. As a result, it would be a tendency of Air Traffic growth in Bangkok FIR that could be higher than 800,000 flights. AEROTHAI, nowadays, continues to expand our efforts to maintain our standards in maintaining service and standards in our services, corresponding to the leading Air Navigation Service Provider, both for increase efficiency in air navigation safety standard level and the expansion of the capacity to cope with the recent increasing number of air traffic.
AEROTHAI affirmed our readiness in preparation continued from last year with Air Navigation Services Infrastructure Development Project including the development in capacity management of our human resources in the field of Air Traffic Controller and our professional engineers. Moreover, AEROTHAI dedicates to Social Responsibilities through the innovation of the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) for airspace management.
In the field of technology and innovation, AEROTHAI launched its Air Traffic Management Centre to accommodate future traffic growth in Thai Airspace. The system shall support AEROTHAI performance in Regional Approach and Area Control duties and be capable of handling future traffic growth in Thai Airspace. In addition, AEROTHAI was so proud, during the 43rd International Exhibition of Inventions of GENEVA 2015, our nominated project was awarded the Gold Medal and the Bronze Medal.
In order to effectively manage the Thai airspace, AEROTHAI, in corporate with related domestic organizations such as Ministry of Transport, Department of Airports, The Thai Meteorological Department, The Royal Thai Air Force, The Royal Thai Navy, The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT) etc., and also the international organizations such as ICAO, CANSO, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) etc. launched the closer cooperation regionally and globally for the drafting of its Strategies on Thailand's Infrastructure Development in Transportation (2014 - 2022). Concerned public agencies in aviation are to lay out their long-term plans based on their Strategies, and also approved the need to initiate immediately certain critical phases of the Strategies. AEROTHAI plays its important roles in resolving the Quick-Win Capacity management to cope a long-term plan to solve airspace problems in accordance with the Open Sky under Conditions.
In 2015, TRIS Rating Company Limited upgraded the company rating of AEROTHAI to “AAA” from “AA+” in 2014. The factors supporting the upgrade include robust growth in air transportation, a strengthening liquidity profile, and the ability to adjust unit charges. The raise in the rating reflects the support from the government, ensuring AEROTHAI strategic importance as the air navigation service provider of Thailand. The rating also reflects the Company’s good safety record and experienced management team. We valued the highest consideration from TRIS Rating as our pride to enhance our organizational management for sustainable future progress of our company.
AEROTHAI operates with a commitment to maintain efficiency of Air Navigation Services and to increase values for national aviation. For this year, AEROTHAI comes up with the new project of National Aviation System Capacity Enhancement to cope with the growing traffic volumes.