Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Ltd. (AEROTHAI) has been rated “AAA/Stable” by TRIS Rating,
which reflects its good safety record, strong financial status, and experienced management team.
TRIS Rating holds the view that the company’s credit profile is enhanced by its unique and important
role to the Thai government and the likelihood that it would receive extraordinary support from the
government in a stress scenario. The key rating considerations included strategic role in aviation
industry and good safety performance for 5 years consecutively.
TRIST Rating determined the role of AEROTHAI as the significant organization in aviation industry
entrusted by the government to provide Air Traffic Service in accordance with the ICAO’s standards
and best practices for safety and efficiency of air transportation over the Bangkok Flight Information
TRIST Rating considered a good track record of safety performance of AEROTHAI. The rate of air traffic
incidents has been below the global average during the past five years. Moreover, the new Air Traffic
Management including Communication, Navigation and Surveillances systems was considered as
AEROTHAI’s commitment to provide safety and to enhance service capacity.
Even the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decrease in air transport and a slowdown in aviation sector.
TRIS estimated the increasing demand in air transport, especially domestic flights, because of the
government’s ability to guard the pandemic including the easing measures. Moreover the domestic
tourism promotion policy of the government is expected another crucial factor supporting demand
for air transport.
which reflects its good safety record, strong financial status, and experienced management team.
TRIS Rating holds the view that the company’s credit profile is enhanced by its unique and important
role to the Thai government and the likelihood that it would receive extraordinary support from the
government in a stress scenario. The key rating considerations included strategic role in aviation
industry and good safety performance for 5 years consecutively.
TRIST Rating determined the role of AEROTHAI as the significant organization in aviation industry
entrusted by the government to provide Air Traffic Service in accordance with the ICAO’s standards
and best practices for safety and efficiency of air transportation over the Bangkok Flight Information
TRIST Rating considered a good track record of safety performance of AEROTHAI. The rate of air traffic
incidents has been below the global average during the past five years. Moreover, the new Air Traffic
Management including Communication, Navigation and Surveillances systems was considered as
AEROTHAI’s commitment to provide safety and to enhance service capacity.
Even the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decrease in air transport and a slowdown in aviation sector.
TRIS estimated the increasing demand in air transport, especially domestic flights, because of the
government’s ability to guard the pandemic including the easing measures. Moreover the domestic
tourism promotion policy of the government is expected another crucial factor supporting demand
for air transport.