Tuesday, 10 December 2019, Mr. Somnuk Rongthong, the President of AEROTHAI, together with Mr. Li Qui Guo, Deputy Director General, Air Traffic Management Bureau (ATMB), under Civil Aviation Administration of China (CACC), Dr. Zhu Yan Bo, Vice President of Aviation Data Communication Corporation (ADCC) and Ms. Clotile Enel-Rehel, General Manager, Commercial Aviation & Network Services, Avionics, Collins Aerospace, USA, jointly chaired 3-way GlobalLink Asia Partners Meeting at Hilton Hotel, Singapore, mutual agreed and signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Flight and Tarmac Solutions. This solution is to provide products and support services to all interested parties in ground and air operations by offering modern communication systems for aviation community along with the effective exchange of information to increase safety and efficiency. It is the first time the 3 GLOBALink partners will extend the services to go beyond air-to-ground communications, combining legacy systems with new enhancements to create collaborative decision-making environments.