Mr. Arkom Termpittayapaisith, Minister of Transport, presided over the Search and Rescue Exercise or SAREX 2017 at Koh Samui, Surat Thani, in which participated by Mr. Pramurn Inchonbot, Senior Director, Provincial Air Traffic Management Bureau, together with AEROTHAI’s delegates.
According to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Rescue Coordination Centre (RCC) was established, under the responsibility of the Department of Civil Aviation. Now it works on behalf of Search and Rescue Committee, supervised by Office of Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport. While the representatives of related government organizations and state enterprises also function as members.
The Search and Rescue Exercise or SAREX 2017 was organized to evaluate the readiness to perform the search and rescue operations of relevant units and increase awareness of the local government officials and general public of the procedures for search and rescue operations. SAREX 2017 aimed to evaluate the efficiency of communication technology and paper exercise of rescue and search operations